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RCM Group class Music theory lessons in Richmond BC with music teacher katrina Liu

Music Theory Lessons

Music Theory: RCM Level 1-8 

Music Harmony: RCM Level 9, 10

The goal of my music theory lessons is to assist students develop well-rounded musicianship skills in an interactive and engaging way.

The RCM Celebration Theory Curriculum has 8 levels. Starting level 5-10, there will be an music theory exam requirement corresponding to the level of the students' practical study in order to receive a certificate of level completion. 

For exam preparation, in class, students will be taken through the entire RCM theory curriculum based on their level, typically starting level 5, using the RCM Celebrate Theory textbooks. Level 5-8's curriculum typically takes 3 months to complete, level 9-10 takes typically 6-8 months to complete. After the completion of the course material, one month of mock exam practices and preparation will take place before the actual exam.

All RCM music theory lessons are offered in my home studio in Richmond BC.

Flute lessons in Richmond BC with music teacher Katrina Liu

Flute Lessons

Teaching all levels and ages 

Beginner, intermediate, advanced

In my flute lessons, I like to help students understand musical expression through acting out a series of imagined scenarios, this is especially useful to beginner flute students when working on their posture and breathing. For example, in my flute classes, I often say, "pretend you are a swimmer holding and control the release of your breath!". This helps my students understand the fundamental theory behind air control and support. After they have mastered the posture and breathing of flute playing (proper breath, breath capacity, air support and air speed etc), we focus on tone quality and embouchure flexibility to better their musical interpretation. This combined approach creates a strong foundation for any type of flute performance and any levels of RCM flute exams.  

All flute lessons are offered in my home studio in Richmond BC.

RCM group lessons Music history lessons with music teacher katrina Liu Richmond BCns

Music History Lessons

RCM Level 9, 10, ARCT

Music Appreciation

To make history classes interesting, I draw pictures to help students understand composition forms and analysis. I also share a lot of stories behind the composers or compositions studied to deepen students' impression and spark their interest on the course material. Aside from exam preparations, through music history lessons,I strive to develop music appreciation and guide students to connect materials they studied in class with their practical study. 


All RCM music history lessons are offered in my home studio in Richmond BC. | 604-781-8991| Richmond B.C.

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